Contact Welder in London, Ontario

You can contact welder in London, Ontario not only by email but also by calling and by texting. As a matter of fact, you will not be contacting a secretary, but a tradesman who is a Certified Welder and a Certified Industrial Maintenance Mechanic. So, lets make this contact as meaningful as we can. First, lets choose between call, text and e-mail. Second, lets include as much technical information as possible to make it meaningful.


In the first place, contact welder London, Ontario by calling

Darek, @ Contact Number For JW Portable Welding and Repair

Then, choose one way of contact

1: email, or

2: texting

But, never follow both ways of contacting.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the house.

    Follow Instructions

    3 ways to contact welder in London, Ontario


    Calling welder in London, Ontario

    Always make the first contact with welder in London, Ontario by calling Darek @ Contact Number For JW Portable Welding and Repair Equally important is to share with welder first basic information regarding your project. Therefore, please describe what project you have in mind and/or what kind of welding service you will require. Additionally, please share with me the type of material involved in your project and the approximate thickness of this material too. By the same token, if you do not know all required information at this moment, do not worry since I will find it this way or another way.

    In the light of supplied facts, I will decide if it is a small project or a rather larger one. If your project falls in a small project category, I will choose texting as a quick and simple communication method. Again, if your project is more complicated and rather larger, I will ask you to contact me by email.

    As a matter of fact, all projects are quoted and must be approved prior we will provide any service. However, I will ask clients who require properly written quotes to contact me by e-mail. But, I will suggest to clients with small projects, to contact me rather through texting.


    Texting to welder in London, Ontario

    Not only texting is a most comfortable way to keep the project’s communication going with welder in London, Ontario, but also leaves the record of this communication as well as allows quickly send pictures. Likewise, it allows me to take a closer look on some picture’s detail by magnifying it. Furthermore, texting allows me to become more efficient with quoting of small projects since I just will text you the price for the welding service.

    In addition, text messages allow me to contact you when arriving to your property as well as allow me to keep track of approved small projects and quoted. In the same fashion, I keep track of projects requiring a quote as well as projects requiring on site visit prior quoting.


    Send e – mail to welder in London, Ontario

    The email is a preferred method of communication for most complex and large projects that do require official quote. Additionally, it is a very comfortable way to send project’s technical drawings or sketches. Not only it allows to keep track of most important project’s communications but also allows to send formal documents in the attachments. Furthermore, it allows to focus the initial discussion on marked by circle or arrow details in cases of clear misunderstanding.

    Indeed, you are welcome to use our form located on this page to send e-mail to your welder in London, Ontario. What is more, you can automatically select the topic of the email for the automatic classification and grouping according to subjects provided.


    Providing your project’s pictures is paramount

    With regards to pictures, they say 1000 words. However, good pictures of your welding project say 1000,000 words. By the same token, bad picture say a one word.

    I mean, if you are taking a picture for this welder in London, Ontario, please take a good one. Moreover, take many pictures and then select the best ones and send it to me.

    Good technical pictures

    First, take a picture from the significant distance from the project for the simple reason that, I would like to see the overall access to the project at hand.

    Second, take picture (s) from the middle distance from the project so I can judge the hands and tool access. Even more, I would appreciate if you would place a tape measure on the picture for my evaluation. And, please point a finger at the direction of a detail in interest.

    Third, in case of cracks or other important details, please take pictures from a close up with a tape measure close by. Indeed, you can take many close up pictures from other angles to better visualize the problem.


    Welder’s ethics

    Although, most projects are straight forward and do not require any explanations, some of them are not as simple. In case of more sophisticated project, we will follow with on site visitation and continue our discussion. Moreover, we will also share our concerns with you as they refer to different project stages. Our visit is free of charge unless it involves significant travel.

    During the consultative process, we do not reveal our trade secrets in hope to preserve our technological advances. However, we will share our technological constrains that impact significantly project’s utilization time. Alternatively, instead of welding service, we could offer you one of our metal glue or epoxy glue solutions even though the utilization could change into your disadvantage. Whereas, epoxy technology solves many problems that welding process cannot even approach. The epoxy utilization time is much shorter. Finally, we make sure that client understands all technological limitations and associated with them risks prior project implementation.

    We come on site prepared, well equipped with necessary equipment to perform correct welding technique and we have technologically advanced welding consumables such as welding rods and wires as well as abrasives. Then with a clear plan, we proceed and efficiently accomplish your project.

    Fair approach

    Occasionally, during our initial consultations, we could propose a better solution that does not involve us. And, we will refer you to a different company even if we will end up without making a deal. Since we simply believe that even if you will use somebody’s else’s service or product, you will eventually, sooner or later come to a person who has advised you in your best interest.

    By the way, client’s involvement in on-site project is sometimes necessary. In that case, clients are asked to perform certain tasks prior and during as well as after we come on site. In order to save you money, we will ask you to

    • make access to a work piece,
    • make our work possible and secure, and
    • improve protection of a work piece.

    Calling welder in London, Ontario

    Always make the first contact with welder in London, Ontario by calling Darek @ Contact Number For JW Portable Welding and Repair Equally important is to share with welder first basic information regarding your project. Therefore, please describe what project you have in mind and/or what kind of welding service you will require. Additionally, please share with me the type of material involved in your project and the approximate thickness of this material too. By the same token, if you do not know all required information at this moment, do not worry since I will find it this way or another way.

    In the light of supplied facts, I will decide if it is a small project or a rather larger one. If your project falls in a small project category, I will choose texting as a quick and simple communication method. Again, if your project is more complicated and rather larger, I will ask you to contact me by email.

    As a matter of fact, all projects are quoted and must be approved prior we will provide any service. However, I will ask clients who require properly written quotes to contact me by e-mail. But, I will suggest to clients with small projects, to contact me rather through texting.

    Texting to welder in London, Ontario

    Not only texting is a most comfortable way to keep the project’s communication going with welder in London, Ontario, but also leaves the record of this communication as well as allows quickly send pictures. Likewise, it allows me to take a closer look on some picture’s detail by magnifying it. Furthermore, texting allows me to become more efficient with quoting of small projects since I just will text you the price for the welding service.

    In addition, text messages allow me to contact you when arriving to your property as well as allow me to keep track of approved small projects and quoted. In the same fashion, I keep track of projects requiring a quote as well as projects requiring on site visit prior quoting.

    Send e – mail to welder in London, Ontario

    The email is a preferred method of communication for most complex and large projects that do require official quote. Additionally, it is a very comfortable way to send project’s technical drawings or sketches. Not only it allows to keep track of most important project’s communications but also allows to send formal documents in the attachments. Furthermore, it allows to focus the initial discussion on marked by circle or arrow details in cases of clear misunderstanding.

    Indeed, you are welcome to use our form located on this page to send e-mail to your welder in London, Ontario. What is more, you can automatically select the topic of the email for the automatic classification and grouping according to subjects provided.

    Providing your project’s pictures is paramount

    With regards to pictures, they say 1000 words. However, good pictures of your welding project say 1000,000 words. By the same token, bad picture say a one word.

    I mean, if you are taking a picture for this welder in London, Ontario, please take a good one. Moreover, take many pictures and then select the best ones and send it to me.

    Good technical pictures

    First, take a picture from the significant distance from the project for the simple reason that, I would like to see the overall access to the project at hand.

    Second, take picture (s) from the middle distance from the project so I can judge the hands and tool access. Even more, I would appreciate if you would place a tape measure on the picture for my evaluation. And, please point a finger at the direction of a detail in interest.

    Third, in case of cracks or other important details, please take pictures from a close up with a tape measure close by. Indeed, you can take many close up pictures from other angles to better visualize the problem.

    Welder’s ethics

    Although, most projects are straight forward and do not require any explanations, some of them are not as simple. In case of more sophisticated project, we will follow with on site visitation and continue our discussion. Moreover, we will also share our concerns with you as they refer to different project stages. Our visit is free of charge unless it involves significant travel.

    During the consultative process, we do not reveal our trade secrets in hope to preserve our technological advances. However, we will share our technological constrains that impact significantly project’s utilization time. Alternatively, instead of welding service, we could offer you one of our metal glue or epoxy glue solutions even though the utilization could change into your disadvantage. Whereas, epoxy technology solves many problems that welding process cannot even approach. The epoxy utilization time is much shorter. Finally, we make sure that client understands all technological limitations and associated with them risks prior project implementation.

    We come on site prepared, well equipped with necessary equipment to perform correct welding technique and we have technologically advanced welding consumables such as welding rods and wires as well as abrasives. Then with a clear plan, we proceed and efficiently accomplish your project.

    Fair approach

    Occasionally, during our initial consultations, we could propose a better solution that does not involve us. And, we will refer you to a different company even if we will end up without making a deal. Since we simply believe that even if you will use somebody’s else’s service or product, you will eventually, sooner or later come to a person who has advised you in your best interest.

    By the way, client’s involvement in on-site project is sometimes necessary. In that case, clients are asked to perform certain tasks prior and during as well as after we come on site. In order to save you money, we will ask you to

    • make access to a work piece,
    • make our work possible and secure, and
    • improve protection of a work piece.