We produce and distribute display stands with acrylic box (plexiglass) for Jesus statue, St Mother Theresa statue, St. Joseph statue, St. Michael statue or other statues including religious statues. Most importantly, our display stands with religious statues inside the acrylic box engage bystanders at significant distance from your church. The strategically placed display stands welcome parishioners from the distance. This heavy built acrylic box, in fact, protects all statues including religious statues from rain and dust. Therefore you can put them outside of the church for parishioners and bystander’s contemplation, prayer or appreciation.
It is important to realize that many of Catholic saint statuses come from places of worship from all around the world and they can not be replaced easily. Not only these statues will get damage when exposed to the harsh environment of Canadian winters, but also can get unintentionally damaged when unprotected. Therefore our display stands with the acrylic box have certain security designs hidden inside the structures that make theft difficult. Moreover, this locking device is optional and can be implemented on your request.
Our display stands encourage contemplation, prayer, and life’s reflections of bystander’s and they prepare the parishioners prior entering the church.
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The heavy-walled acrylic box (plexiglass) provides modern, non-obstructed view of religious statue of St. Mother Theresa, Virgin Mary statue, St. Joseph and St. Michael. The slightly blurry background directly surrounding the statue is coming from more distant surrounding landscape. This blurry background exposes and accentuates the statue contributing to the overall impression. Therefore the location of the display stand in natural landscaping is crucial for the overall effect. With this in mind, it is important to consider in placement of the display stand effects of:
on our stand presentation and on the statue presentation.
For outside display, the display stand’s height accommodates to surrounding landscape, statue height and eye level of the viewer. The statues height dictates to certain degree the acrylic box height. And then influences the size and position of decorative leaves located on the stand.
These statues come in different sizes and it will be almost impossible for us to make acrylic boxes in different sizes for every statue. Therefore smaller statue can be placed inside the acrylic box on custom made stands that adjust the height of the statue to the height of the acrylic box.
The height of the stand must be adjusted to the eye level of the viewer for better perception. The better perception creates closeness to the saint presented in acrylic box. If the viewer will observe the statue while sitting on a bench, then the display stand must be shorter to accommodate eye level of the viewer. Additionally, we recommend positioning the display stand in such a way that edges of the acrylic box do not interfere with the statue’s presentation. But rather enhance the overall perception. The flat wall presentation seams to be the most appropriate.
As explained above, planning of the shrine with display stands with acrylic boxes properly positioned and at accurate elevations will take some time. On the positive side, we can help you with planning aspects for more elaborate shrines with proper presentation and some modeling.
The installation of the display stand in the natural environment is similar for standard post installation.
The sunlight plays the major role in our perception. We recommend placing the acrylic boxes with statues between the viewer and the incoming sunlight or any other angular position close to ideal. In this way, the sunlight will brighten the background of the statue creating warm impressions. With this in mind, we do not recommend placing the acrylic boxes in such a way that the viewer has a sunlight at the back.
We make the roof on top of the acrylic box from a 1/8” thick metal. The roof is a fully welded metal structure, weldment, that protects the statues from snow and rain. Moreover, we use the metal attachment device mounted on the edges on the acrylic box to attach the metal roof to acrylic box itself for increase security. Additionally, for increased security, we can place locking device hidden under the roof.
All metal parts of our display stand are epoxy rust protected and painted. Alternatively, we can also powder coat the roof, but this technology could limit the colour choice. It is worth mentioning that you can choose colours of all metal parts pending your desired effect.
You can also place our display stands inside church on the hard floor since our display stands can have a very heavy bases that acts against tipping of the whole stand’s structure. The weight of a display stand’s base depends on the weight of the statue as well as the style chosen. We can provide heavy walled bases with forged custom motives in order to accommodate them to your church style.
These heavy bases can be metal coated according to your chosen colour that fits the style of your church.
Driving at night close to light spots on our road encourage reflection regarding our live therefore our display stands for outdoor display can accommodate LED lights inside the acrylic box. The LED light will expose from the significant distance the holly statues to incoming traffic at night. In order to accommodate LED lights in the acrylic box, we will have to make them slightly bigger. The LED lights can accommodate traditional power source or can accommodate sunlight as a power source.
Please visit other pages on this website to know more about JW Portable Welding & Repairs. However, more specifically, we would like to turn your attention to Advent Wreath Stand that have received the flagship project in art category. Please compare our Advent Wreath Stand with other Advent Wreaths in Church.
Additionally, we would like to turn your attention to the uniquely built Altar Folding Step Stool. The altar folding step stool allows speakers of different height approach comfortably microphone without repositioning it. The altar folding step stool can be fabricated from steel or aluminum for folding with less force.
Please contact us for references prior this project.