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Product Development and Distribution Strategy

JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart with European UVC lights. Portable technology for Powdery Mildew treatment. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repairs. London, Ontario, 2018

In the first place, we believe that our product development, direct and exclusive distributor service strategy must be founded on innovative and well engineered products with significant impact upon industry. Also, these products should be difficult to distribute due to their:

  1. size,
  2. weight, or
  3. installation needed by qualified professionals on client site, and
  4. after installation service.

Moreover, these products in our direct distributor network must significantly impact the energy, horticulture, construction, security, transportation, welding or fabrication industries. Furthermore, they must significantly impact lives of direct users.

These products must be:

  1. manufactured from quality materials,
  2. well engineered and ergonomically designed,
  3. safe for workers,
  4. beneficial in form of extra profit for our clients,
  5. convenient to use for operators, and
  6. improving the way how operators work in order to reduce of human turnover.

We welcome inquiries from manufacturer’s representatives looking for exclusive distributors of their product in Ontario. Needless to say, the manufacturers’ proposals will will have to go through check marks outlined above. Moreover, the supplied products will be tested by us if they meet our distribution service strategy.

Direct Distribution Strategy

We are in search of products for our direct distribution network. Preferably, we accept products to our direct distributor network that are technologically advanced but also require installation and maintenance services. JW Portable Welding & Repairs employs gifted certified millwrights, industrial mechanics, certified electricians and electronic specialists. Therefore we are well suited for distribution of products in Ontario that require installation and/or maintenance services.

In fact, our direct distribution of teleposts or jack posts involves installation of these posts and supplementary mobile welding service.

Two piles of standard sizes of teleposts, jack posts, ready for shipment, direct distribution. JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2019
Two piles of standard sizes of teleposts, jack posts, ready for shipment. JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2019

Call us, text us or email us for opportunity to direct distribution of your products in Ontario . And leave us your feedback on our google profile.

Our Own Product Development Strategy

First of all, we focus on product development in new industries in areas never considered for new product design. Our product development process begins in following situations:

  1. client call,
  2. new research significantly impacts industry, and
  3.  new technology enters industry.

Client call begins product development

The client describes challenges such as worker’s safety hazards (damaged machine safety guards or greased and rusted staircase). Or necessity to move continuously objects that are heavy and rather large with existing equipment. And perhaps, the need for devices that will reduce heavy lifting and carrying hazards.  In summary, the client usually clearly describes the goals for our fabrication and mechanical design.

Many of our security products developments were based on client’s call. And, since these products not only require fabrication but also direct distribution involving installation, we are definitely interested.

Product development focused on protection of steel door's jamb. Steel fabrication of jamb protector for commercial doors. Installed on doors. JW Portable Welding & Repairs 2017 London, Ontario
Steel fabrication of jamb protector for commercial doors. Installed on doors. JW Portable Welding & Repairs 2017 London, Ontario

The new research impacting industry begins product development

When the new research that significantly impacts the one of industries in our interest then the product development process begins. However, we strictly focus on instances based on new application of old technology. First, we must evaluate if a new tool or device can improve the application of old technology for the new industry. Second, we must evaluate  if the improvements created by our tool will create significant benefits for the new industry.

The new technology begins product development

When the new technology enters the industry, our role is not as simple. First, we start with a traditional marketing approach to new industries which is to find the needs of the new industry. In fact, since beginning, we must  get in touch with participants from same or similar industries and we ask them to share with us areas of their concerns. Second, we must compare their areas of concerns to benefits of new technology. Furthermore, we define the area of concerns that can be resolved by a new technology and an innovative tool or device that improves the application of a new technology. As a result, then the product development begins. Consequently, the product benefits, its functionalities and product parameters lead the way in our product design process.

The mechanical design goals

Our mechanical design goals are not as simple to define since the new innovative technology has not been evaluated by the industry yet. For instance, there are differences of opinion in terms of new technology’s parameters. And there are many different concepts how to implement this technology.

Indeed, we consult with our clients, and other industry participants in different stages of product design process. Because the clients and their workers’ comments contribute significantly to our mechanical designs.

Our product design philosophy is simple. With this in mind, we believe in simple and practical, step by step product design and product development that involves electrical and mechanical solutions.

Our mechanical designs are accepted by the industry when they:

  1. help the new innovative technology to perform best,
  2. be flexible and or form stand-alone pieces, and
  3. are relatively not expensive so the customers will try them.

Logistic Exclusive and Direct Distributor

So far, we are exclusive distributor with direct own logistics for uncomfortable to deliver products due to their size or weight. In fact, haul with pick up truck large modified trailers to distribute in Ontario variety of:

  1. teleposts,
  2. steel door security bars, and
  3. display stands,
  4.  JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart.

Certainly, these deliveries involve scheduling partial deliveries of highly customized products, payment collections and sometimes on-site product installations.

Door security bars , 4 single commercial steel doors and 1 double metal doors. Made and delivered by JW Portable Welding & Repairs. London, Ontario,2017 Direct distributor of door security bars. 4 single commercial steel doors and 1 double metal doors. Made and delivered by JW Portable Welding & Repairs. London, Ontario, 2017

In particular, we deliver difficult to handle products to retail and warehousing industries, horticulture and marijuana businesses, and construction sites in Ontario. The trailers specifically accommodate products with minimum packaging since they contain significant stabilization improvements.

We also distribute our own manufactured products using these trailers and the innovative stabilization belting provides product separation for damage protection.

The point often overlooked is that we “squeeze” our trailer where semi-trucks can’t go. And, our driver delivers to small driveways and small warehouses without the ramp. We also deliver to shops with a back entrance so small that is claustrophobic.