We make custom metal art & modern metal artwork in contemporary pieces that you can be proud of and enjoy them for many years. They not only have a practical and effective use, but also they stand apart from boredom of every day production pieces.
Our custom metal art pieces play many functions
Aside of obvious artistic aspect of our metal art, we focus on functionality of these metal artwork pieces or metal artwork structures. We simply believe that you will not enjoy the beauty of these pieces if you will not use them. This is a rather unique approach to custom metal art and modern artwork since most metal art is just standing there for years to come. In our opinion this is not enough. Therefore we focus on every day metal products or items to transform them into art made from metal.
We have moved the customization of your metal art pieces and metal artwork structures to the extreme. No two pieces are the same for most projects and for most clients. The customization of the art has been rooted in skillful hands of our tradesmen/craftsmen, blacksmith operations, and personalized approach to every piece leaving the shop.
Our tradesmen/craftsmen working on your pieces use their hands to make it. We do not use automatic machines to cut or shape pieces. Simply because we do not want your neighbor to have the same metal art as you have. These tradesmen/craftsmen are also artists, but in order to improve their vision we consult our designs with artists specializing in particular area. Therefore, if you will find that our designs are not up to your sophisticated expectation, we can consult other artist. Alternatively, you can bring your own artists to share their vision for your project.
Our blacksmith is a genius with 30 years of experience in this profession. He has dealt with variety of steels, stainless steels, copper and bronze and incorporates these metals for better visual effects and better utilization of our metal art. For example, we use stainless steel when rust is affecting our art and cupper for finesse elements that can not be painted.
The designing process starts from interview with you. You are becoming the most important member of our designing team. Most importantly, we focus on your personal believes, values and interests. Furthermore, we focus on functionality of our metal art and metal artwork structure in regards to surroundings where it will be used. Equally important are colors composition of our art in relation to colors of surroundings as well as your preferred colors.
You come to us to deliver a statement what you stand for. Then we deliver the WOW!!! effect.
Call us, text us or email us for traditional and advanced welding services, attractive fabrication designs and difficult welds . And leave us your feedback on our google profile.
These unique to every Canadian and American family name signs placed on front porch communicate celebration of cultural and national holidays. Also, they can communicate religious holidays year after year. It is important to realize, that disregarding the kind of holiday you are going to celebrate, each time you will distinguish your house with our metal art or metal artwork structures for this celebration.
They not only make a statement regarding your family celebration of particular holiday saying, we share the joy of holidays with you. And, let’s celebrate together. However, sometimes due to cultural or religious differences, you want to signalize celebration of very unique holidays in Canada or America. And, our metal art creates awareness of your celebration in your neighborhood. We simply believe that awareness and knowledge creates tolerance and removes animosities among people.
Here is how The Hecker’s celebrate Halloween with metal artwork structure 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall.
Our artistically decorated and customized gate increase the curb appeal of your house in the neighborhood. They turn attention of walkers passing by and drivers driving close to your property. Through the style of your wrought iron gates you communicate to your friends and guest your interests, hobbies, and the essence of yourself.
Our finesse metal artwork gates create a conversation point of people outside your property as well as among the guest inside your house. They definitely create the WOW!!! effect disregarding the size of your house and size of your property.
In the attempt to increase the security of your property and to clearly stabilize the edge of your property you need fencing. This is a fact. Have you ever looked more critically on your boring fencing that looks exactly as your neighbor fencing?
How about spruce it up a little with metal art expressing the homeowners interests or visualizing well known motives from national history.
Here is the fencing that turns attention. Four metal geese, Jack Miner in metal and 2 metal cattails on the decorative fence. This is a metal artwork structure with a WOW!!! effect.
JW Portable Welding has been entrusted with number of religious projects ranging from shrine, decorative post, and advent wreath stand. Notably, our artistic visions have been been positively appreciated. With this in mind, and with fear of critical judgement of many hundreds of people looking on our metal art, we are fully aware that these pieces must look and function perfectly.
While in other artistic categories our art must empress the intention of the client with exquisite designs, the religious category is based on traditionalism and formal beauty. Here by saying less, we actually express more.
Also it is important to realize that we have to perform a balancing act between functionality and attractive symmetrical patterns in these metal artwork structures. The functionality of many pieces forces us to use thicker materials or more elaborate supports. Then again the symmetrical patterns must stay clean from any detailed distractions for better visual effect. That is why we have to use often variety of different welding techniques to hide welds or improve stability of artwork structures in a less visible way.
We were particularly happy with the symmetrical arrangement of candles and associated arrangement of joined steel rings in this design of advent wreath stand. The position of joined rings is on parallel plane to candle cups’ plane. In this case, we have received positive comments from our clients and written recommendations.
This particular advent wreath stand is about 53 inches high, weights almost 70 pounds and was standing on the altar in St. George church. Speaking about the altars, here is the folding step that allows speakers of different height comfortably use the same microphone.
Metal art of making flowers and especially metal roses is long known among blacksmiths. We continue with this tradition since many clients are demanding well done flowers made from metal. Our flowers do not differentiate much from their natural cousins due to skill of our blacksmith. We also paint them in color your want so you can still say something without saying a word. Although, traditionally for the purpose of expressing your feelings roses are recommended, you can also use other flowers for it. Here is the art of saying something with a color of the rose.
With our painted metal roses you can express your feelings in the same way as with the natural roses. In the light of colors of the rose, you can say, I love you with a natural red rose. However, with metal rose in red color, you are saying, I love you…..forever. This is the difference.
Our roses lasts forever since they are made from metal.
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