Custom metal fabricators near me

When you search internet for custom metal fabricators near me or metal fabricators near me, it could only mean that location of this welder fabricator is important to you. You are probably looking for a close relationship with a metal fabricator near you. Moreover, some of you could also have in mind on site fabrication on your premises for better control, weldment functionality updates and necessary fitting to variety of equipment

Metal fabricators for clients outside construction

We are metal fabricators that come to you to perform complex weldments in steel, aluminum and stainless steel. These project also involve support of our small metal fabrication shop. However, the bulk of metal fabrication is done in your facilities. In this way we fabricate highly customized weldments that fit your machinery, equipment or your facility layout. Our tasks involve numerous alignments to fit the weldment exactly to the machine or heavy equipment.

Generally speaking our projects do not involve construction industry although could involve equipment for construction industry. Our metal fabricators provide close working relationship with your engineers and production managers in areas of

  • extensive modifications of existing machinery,
  • fabricating of custom attachments,
  • fabrication of custom supports for your machinery,
  • custom mold and dies support

Custom metal fabricators in your facilities

Many clients are searching for custom metal fabricators capable to fabricate from relatively new alloys or capable to fabricate weldments in variety of metals. The utilization of alloys in aluminum, stainless steel, and steel in variety of weldments creates a need for custom metal fabricators who are capable of fabricating from these materials. Not only these projects require a small group of welding professionals who are able to weld variety of metals, but also stringent quality control as well as untraditional joint preparation. Additionally, many of these projects require weld testing since welding procedures are not written yet.

Many of our clients realize that they must control these fabrication processes not only to oversee the quality of welding but also the alignments involved in the weldments. Lack of finalized drawings contributes significantly to increased need for close communication between fabricators and management.

Custom metal fabrication on client’s facilities

JW Portable Welding & Repairs are custom metal fabricators working in your facilities.

Still, many of our clients ask as multiple questions. How are we going to align this weldment or mechanical fabrication to the existing machinery? The answer is rather simple. We will fit the weldment to the existing machinery multiple times. And, surely there will be some modifications necessary after the first alignment.

Perhaps we will need a few alignments in different stages of the project.  How are we going to do these few alignments? The very simplistic answer is on site fabrication with access to your machinery in your facility.

Portable welder fabricator performs on site fabrication on client's premises. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repairs, London, Ontario, 2020
Portable welder fabricator performs on site fabrication on client’s premises. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repairs, London, Ontario, 2020

We are metal fabricators that can fabricate without drawings

Many of our clients do not have drawings for their intendent weldment. As in construction industry the existence of engineered drawings is a must for most structural fabrication projects, the other industries follow more relaxed approach. These difference is rooted in basic project’s characteristics such as capital involvement and ownership rights.

The fabrication projects from other industries except construction are not as capital intensive, perform some mechanical function, precision fabrication plays the major role, and project’s owner is focused on functionality. Probably the most important factor in these project is the functionality of the weldment and the main question, does the weldment performs the intended function?

We focus on the functionality of weldment and practical solutions to achieve this functionality. And therefore we work from hand made sketches, broken and damaged parts and progressive sketches. Especially, the progressive sketches are very useful for dealing with prioritizing of weldment functionalities.

Custom metal fabricators and certified millwrights

As a custom metal fabricators we understand why the particular metal is used in the project and how this metal contributes to the functionality of the project. Additionally, as the certified millwrights with strong mechanical and metallurgical background, we are constructively contributing to functional improvements.

These improvements not only evolve into new function but also could evolve into minimizing the deformation effects, vibration and friction effects, rust effects, and utilization of different metals in the structure. The group of degradation effects definitely involve deformation, bending, vibration and friction and each of them can damage your weldment irreversibly.

In many projects we deal with interaction of two and even three different metals on each other. These interaction usually cause the initial damages to the weldments of these different metals. The eliminations of the damages caused by two different metal interacting with each other are not simple. And, do require some researching on our behalf.

Here are initial analysis for one of out projects

The preparation stage prior coming to your facilities

The preparation stage take place prior coming to your facilities. This preparation stage is extremely important for us in order to deliver your project. We use the preparation stage for following activities

  • sketch main drawings and sketch more detailed drawings,
  • order parts and materials coming from abroad,
  • order supplementary parts locally
  • test welds on alloys according to selected parameters
  • research the topic
  • test parts delivered
  • train welders participating in your projects

Specifics of preparation stage

The preparation stage determines if our proposed solutions will eliminate problems you are facing now with the present weldment. Probably the most important are sketches dealing directly with weldment functionalities and weldment’s structural integrity.

Next in order of importance is ordering parts with ordering parts coming from abroad taking priority. The lead times for some of them are rather long and …. we never know what we are getting. Therefore we have to plan for potential corrective actions and additional ordering from another country.

Testing of welds and training of welders is commencing simultaneously. Our welders that will participate in your project must be trained on project’s materials. Although, they are experienced and certified they have to understand the effects of welding parameters on the specific material in specific thicknesses. After initial tryouts, these welders use destructive testing to determine their best possible welding parameters’ setup.

All delivered parts are tested and inspected prior utilization in your project.

Here is preparation stage for one of our projects

Welder fabricator near me for other industries except construction industry

Let us define characteristics of projects for other industries except construction industry. Many of these projects require following:

  1. Higher quality welding machines
  2. Welding processes with different quality of welds such as
    1. higher strength,
    2. increased resistance to vibration,
    3. increased playability,
    4. established penetration,
    5. irregular shape,
    6. much bigger size,
    7. welded with specialized alloys,
    8. welded according to specialized procedures,
    9. and welded according to standards monitored pass by pass.
  3. Use of less common alloy materials,
  4. Adhering to engineering drawing, but open to necessary modification,
  5. Multiple alignments of every stage
  6. Use of variety of metals in one structure,
  7. Use some mechanical devices within the structure,
  8. Modification of the existing fabrication due to structural failure of the old fabrication.
  9. Fabrication without drawing since the drawing are not available due to too many unknown factors.

On site fabrication is about client’s control.

In all of these cases, clients want to have control over the metal fabrication process and wants to have control over the welding process’ quality. We as metal fabricators working in clients’ facilities deliver this control. In this type of projects, many things are unknown to the client’s top management, engineering department, and technicians.

Therefore, client’s decision makers want to participate in crucial discussions regarding solutions to the problems, but top management wants to make it as convenient for them as possible. Many of these projects relate to casts, molds, and dies as well as their steel supports. These projects involve also modifications to the existing machinery and multiple alignments with desired outcomes.

Capable welder fabricator must deliver in on site fabrication.

JW Portable Welding & Repair, the mobile welder fabricator shortens posts on site. Posts are positioned on metal horses. London, Ontario, 2016
JW Portable Welding & Repair, the mobile welder fabricator shortens posts on site. Posts are positioned on metal horses. London, Ontario, 2016

In these highly specialized projects, the welder fabricator must be able to deliver the technology and must be capable to formulate solutions to the unexpected problems. Since not many such metal fabricators exist in Ontario the proximity to the fabricator’s location acts as a deterrent to the client’s ideal arrangement. For these highly demanded clients “Metal Fabricators Near Me” or “Welding Fabrication Shop Near Me” findings mean the capable fabricator within 15min driving distance. Well, as we all know, this is rather unrealistic expectation, but on site fabrication is realistic. The on site fabrication provides attractive solution for complex projects.

If you are the client whose projects demand a highly capable welder fabricator, would you welcome a capable fabricator in your facilities? Considering that control is paramount for you, this is the best solution in existence. If you wonder where to find such capable fabricator, please contact us here. You are reading a text written by such capable welder fabricator. So take a careful look at some of the pictures and decide yourself.

Welder fabricator near me for construction industry

The main reason why you need your fabrication shop to be close to you is that you want to reduce transportation costs and cost of field’s auxiliary welding services offered by fabricator of construction elements. Certainly, there is always a group of new customers with their first fabrication projects that think that they will save money when they will pick their project from the welding shop themselves. Therefore, they do not want to drive far to pick up their fabrication. Unfortunately, they do not realize that factors such as location and price do not have any correlation. Factors that do corelate with price are quality and efficiency. Therefore, distance becomes a secondary factor.

Majority of professional clients do not choose welder fabricator based on fabricator’s location but rather based on quality, price and on site service. Whereas the price does not need any explanation, the quality probably does require some explanation. Well, for many clients the quality means different things, and still for a few clients it just means a good-looking paint. I am not saying that paint does not make any difference. Although, it is pretty obvious that paint corrections are rather inexpensive, whereas corrections to the fabricated elements are rather expensive.

And this lead us to on site auxiliary service in cases where corrections to the fabricated elements are necessary and your welder fabricator does not have capability for such service. In these instances please contact us

Welder fabricator near me or welding fabrication shop near me means quality fabricator at the right price

Question is what a quality fabricator means and what is a right price? Does the right price means no mistakes and no corrections. Does the right price mean that fabricator provides auxiliary field welding at reasonable cost?

Metal fabricators follow the engineering drawings if they exist.

In construction industry the engineering drawing is a holy grail. The engineer is right. Many metal fabricators for construction industry say that engineer is mostly right, but sometimes is wrong. In other industries except construction the situation is not as simple. Here are a few considerations related to other industries:

  • What if you do not have drawings? Does the engineer struggles to provide a drawing? What if in order to produce reliable drawing, you have to spend a fortune for mechanical tests, material tests and so on?
  • Are you dealing with re-fabrication that was done according to the engineering drawing? If the element must go through re-fabrication due to structural damages, than how would you judge the original drawings? If you must correct fabrication that followed engineering drawing, it means that drawing was incorrect, isn’t it?
  • Have you ever purchased a fabrication from offshore fabricator that does not make sense?….And it contains too many problems to mentioned. And now, you are dealing with re – fabrication.
  • What if the modification to your fabrication is fairly simple, but it requires multiple alignments and fittings?

Fortunately, JW Portable Welding & Repairs with our strong Industrial Millwrighting background been there and have done that. Contact us for initial visit

Good welder fabricator utilizes materials specified by the drawing or insists on improvements.

Welder fabricator utilizes materials specified by the drawing or best suited for the project. All metal fabricators deal with cheap designs on daily bases. These cheap designs take into consideration materials that just make the purpose and from outside look good. Usually, this means that the material is very thin but still looks good and it also means choosing cheap alloys that just barely make the requirement. Therefore, after paying for the fabrication and then paying for its installation, after a few months you are going to find indications of structural failures. These structural failures involve bends, cracks, friction damages and persistent misalignment.

Most importantly, a good quality material is paramount for the fabrication project and that means good heavy walled steel and proper alloy for caustic environment. The utilization of cheap materials should not take place in any weldment. Unfortunately, many imported weldments are fabricated from cheap materials. These elements look bulky and strong but unfortunately to the owners they have thin walls and are prone to bending. Also, their welds crack under normal use in a few years.

And here are my questions once again.

What if you are dealing with re – fabrication precisely because the materials have failed? What if welding of existing cracks on a fabrication or on a mechanical element only temporary resolve the issue since you know these cracks will appear once again. If you expect new cracks relatively quickly after welding of new cracks, don’t you think it is time to change the strategy? …..And perhaps a supplier of portable or mobile welding services?

Good metal fabricators exceed the quality of welds.

In case of mild steel, the situation is rather simple although many welds on very thick mild steel require different procedures. However, if you are dealing with different alloys the situation becomes suddenly more complicated. Still some questions appear:

  1. Does the fabricator have a correct welding procedure for alloy and for particular welding technique?
  2. How about fabrication assemblies of different metals? Does the size of weld in one assembly affect another assembly fabricated from another metal?

Metal fabricators near me summary

As you can see things can get complicated very, very quickly in custom metal fabrication of complex projects. Everything depends on sophistication of your project. Obviously for these complicated projects you need metal fabricators who understand the problems you are referring to and metal fabricators who will provide solutions to your highly technical problems. Fortunately, you just found one since you are reading an article written by the capable fabricator with mobile welding, portable welding, metal fabrication shop …….and most importantly on site metal fabrication capabilities.

A few words about our suppliers. For custom metal fabrication projects involving variety of steels, aluminum and stainless, most custom fabricators deal with reputable suppliers that can supply many metals. One of them is Metal Supermarket in London.