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Powdery Mildew's Cannabis Treatment - JWD Portable Technology

The working arm of JWD utility pushcart is a result of curious mechanical designer concept

JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis treatment provides cost effective solutions to defeat white powdery mildew and botrytis on plants, walls and ceiling of greenhouse or indoor grow up. Additionally, this powdery mildew cannabis treatment induces growing more marijuana buds or simply weed buds. And, it induces their resin production.

Our cannabis treatment is based on stand alone multipurpose and multi-functional JWD UV Lights on pushcart that allow you

  1. to independently deal with pockets of powdery mildew and botrytis on leaves and plants, and on buds
  2. disinfect product (buds), and
  3. disinfect the whole inside of a greenhouse or indoor operation

These UV lights are high power traditional lights, not LED, and they are on only during the application time for 2-3 minutes once a day.

European made UVC lamps on JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis Treatment pushcart. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2018
European made UVC lamps on JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis Treatment pushcart. Other brand names of UVC lights are available too. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2018

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JWD Powdery Mildew’s treatment pushcart models

In fact, we produce two models of JWD Powdery Mildew’s pushcart: JWD Powdery Mildew’s Cannabis treatment model and JWD Powdery Mildew Vegetable treatment model. Consequently, you can differentiate these models based on length of side attachments and height of the column. We also have JWD Bacteria & Viruses pushcart with slightly different column and relatively wide attachments for ceiling, floor, and walls treatment.

Moreover, we produce all attachments to each model and each model can be customized to fit your particular setup.

Our JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart provides cost efficient and practical technological solutions treatment of powdery mildew on marijuana and:

  1. does not interact with your expensive equipment,
  2. is easy to use,
  3. accommodates to height of the plant,
  4. is suitable for large growers and home grow ups,
  5. eliminates the mildew and botrytis on
    • plant,
    • walls, and
    • ceiling,
  6. fights powdery mildew, other fungus and bacteria on product (buds), and
  7. does not involve sophisticated maintenance.

JWD Powdery Mildew Treatment technology defeats mildew and botrytis in traditional horticulture setups and cannabis setups.

JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart  for cannabis industry

The cannabis industry has quickly developed very sophisticated equipment supplied by manufactures at extra premium prices. Additionally, the cannabis production setup is scientifically supported and is maximizing its efficient arrangement to generate profit.

In particular, the JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis (JWD -PMC) pushcart answers the marijuana industry need to eliminate powdery mildew on marijuana in greenhouse and indoor operation setups. Moreover, it also kills botrytis infections in greenhouse and indoor operation setups. More specifically , it also eliminates these fungi from walls, floor, and ceiling. While treating powdery mildew on marijuana it also increases resin production.

Powdery Mildew cannabis treatment pushcart. JW Portable Welding & Repairs 2017, London, Ontario
Powdery Mildew cannabis treatment pushcart. JW Portable Welding & Repairs 2017, London, Ontario

To clarify, this JWD -PMC  pushcart delivers UV lights (UVC light to be exact) to the plant at distance established by you since our pushcart accommodates to the height of the plants. Additionally, it can be used as a supplemental technology aside of the other mildew treatment technologies. Or, it can be used as designated powdery mildew treatment for cannabis. Indeed, we accommodate your JWD – PMC pushcart to your operational setup.

Here is more about UV Lights and Lamps from US Food & Drug Administration

Greenhouse setup

In the cannabis greenhouse setup, the sunlight stimulates plants’ resin production with weather influencing the volume of resin. Therefore the role of our JWD – PMC treatment technology is reduced specifically to white powdery mildew treatment. And, additional increases of resin production in cloudy days.

Point often overlooked is JWD -PMC cyclical use, though. As a supplementary system for cyclical use, it disinfects bacteria and funguses on walls and ceiling of the greenhouse prior starting a new production cycle.

Indoor setup

In indoor setup, low power LED lights are on every day and every night. And they cost the investment fortune. These low power LED lights induce the resin stimulation. They are not there to treat mildew since their spectrum most often is off and they are very delicate. Additionally, the LED technology is imply not powerful enough to treat powdery mildew on cannabis.

If such indoor setup is ever infected with mildew or botrytis, affecting plants, walls and ceilings, you will suffer losses. Moreover, without disinfection walls and ceilings you will encounter  losses over many years.

Basic model of JWD - PMC , Powdery Mildew Cannabis Treatment pushcart. Front View. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2018
Basic model of JWD – PMC , Powdery Mildew Cannabis Treatment pushcart. Front View. Place for variety of attachments is marked. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2018

Diminishing returns  of resin production in indoor setup

In indoor setup, our JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis pushcart with UV lights delivers additional high dose of UVC spectrum light to your plants. Although, you will not see as significant as in greenhouse setup increase of resin production, the increase will still put smile on your face. The diminishing returns law applies here. Since you already maximize your effort for resin production, adding additional effort in form of JWD – PMC pushcart will generate only moderate return.  However, in lower prices environment our JWD – PMC pushcart will still make a positive difference for your bottom line.

Your indoor setup is especially prone to mildew, botrytis and other pathogen infections. And, here our JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis treatment will excel defeating them on plants, walls and ceilings. On the positive side, our JWD – PMC technology also has the ability to disinfect the whole indoor setup between production cycles.

The JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis treatment pushcart for disinfection of walls and ceilings

The JWD – PMC treatment pushcart eliminates white powdery mildew and botrytis on walls and ceilings of greenhouses and indoor facilities. Our multi-functional JWD pushcart allows to place high power UV lights (uvc lamps) close to ceilings and walls of greenhouses and indoor facilities to fight powdery mildew, botrytis, bacteria and other microorganisms hibernating there.

The disinfection of walls and ceilings is sometimes neglected due to difficulties implementing such activity. These fumigation difficulties range from

  1. lack of access,
  2. excessive cost,
  3. lack of equipment,
  4. non-efficient methods presently used, and
  5. dangerous to workers application techniques.

Our JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis pushcart eliminates these difficulties through the multi-functional design and use of cost efficient UVC bulbs.

The JWD Powdery Mildew Cannabis treatment  pushcart for buds

It is important to realize that certain models of JWD – PMC treatment pushcart allow for fight of mildew, botrytis, other fungus, and bacteria on the cannabis buds. The treatment of white powdery mildew on buds reduces significantly your costs. Instead of paying for disinfection of your infected with powdery mildew marijuana buds, you can kill the fungus yourself using our multi-functional JWD – PMC/b pushcart.

The attachment and the movement of the JWD – PMC/b pushcart will allow to cover the designated area. And the innovative technology of our UVC lamps will do the rest.

The multi-functional JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart for organic farming

The JWD Powdery Mildew treatment pushcart – the organic farmer model – provides same benefits to organic farming industry as to cannabis industry. In organic farming, growing tomatoes, growing peppers or cucumbers organically is difficult.  You must follow strict regulations regarding chemical use when fighting powdery mildew and botrytis. The regulations enforce what you can use even if the process is costly and inefficient. Therefore we have designed following pushcarts

  1. JWD – PMV/t  for powdery mildew tomatoes
  2. JWD – PMV/c for powdery mildew cucumbers
  3. and JWD – PMV/p for powdery mildew peppers

Our  JWD – PMV pushcart – organic farmer model – is heavier built than all cannabis models, and is much taller and wider. And it does not really remind you of a cart at all. The JWD – PMV organic farmer pushcart

  1. carries UVC lights that are approved for organic farming,
  2. accommodates to height of your plants,
  3. disinfects walls and ceilings of greenhouse,
  4. can be adopted for spraying if necessary,
  5. fights white powdery mildew and botrytis on seedlings.

Our multi-functional JWD organic farmer pushcart used in horticulture is much bigger in comparison to same equipment for cannabis industry and can be built from powder coated mild steel or aluminum.

Comparison of conveyor application to JWD Powdery Mildew treatment – pushcart application

The JWD-PMV – organic farmer pushcart eliminates expensive, non-flexible, and impractical conveyor application utilizing expensive European UVC lights.

The impractical conveyor system is not only extremely expensive but also applies same dose of UVC light to the plants disregarding their height. Please notice that you can not adjust the height of the conveyor. Simply put, the non-flexible conveyor system can not adopt to the height of the plants. Most importantly, the conveyor system can not fight white powdery mildew on walls and ceilings.  Whereas JWD-PMV – organic farmer pushcart has ability to adjust the height of application and adopt to the plant height. Moreover, it can also fight pathogen on walls and ceilings.

Lower cost of JWD – PMV pushcart

JWD – PMV pushcart offers much lower maintenance cost. As the UVC bulb looses its power over time, it must be replaced. The replacement of UVC bulbs on the conveyor system will put another dent in your packet due to their high price of European subsidies and their quantity. If you do not change the bulbs over say 4 years than the electiveness of old bulbs drops by about 40% -60%. The reduction of bulbs efficiency combined with lack of conveyor height adjustment, will make the whole conveyor useless.

Whereas JWD – PMV pushcart offers low price bulbs and the quantity is 3 times smaller even if you choose the most expensive model. Therefore in our case, replacement of bulbs is simply a maintenance cost instead of a major expense.

The ability to conveniently change UVC bulbs allows the JWD –  white powdery mildew treatment pushcart to disinfect walls and ceilings at the same pattern. During this operation our pushcart always utilizes most powerful bulbs.

We customize your JWD – PMV – organic farmer pushcart to dimensions that will fit your greenhouse set up with weight distribution that allows for safe and comfortable use.

Quick and safe application of high power lights

The high power lights attached to our JWD – PMC and JWD – PMV pushcarts allow for delivery of high power UVC energy to the surface. This is relatively old technology that our JWD pushcarts utilize for cannabis and horticultural industries.

We do not use in any of our models the low powered LED lights that must be on all the time. Our lights are in use for a seconds per plant as worker pushes the JWD pushcart through the aisle.

In order to calculate the average time usage for our JWD pushcart with high power lights per each greenhouse, please calculate the normal walking time through all aisles in your greenhouse. Please keep in mind that, each greenhouse or indoor grow up should have different JWD pushcart due to precautionary approach. Following this rule, you will avoid spreading disease through same equipment use in multiple locations.

UVC bulbs supply

We supply UVC bulbs for our UV lights that fit our equipment and are specific to the designated purpose. Moreover, we recommend changing UVC bulbs prior changing use from application on live plants to disinfection of walls and ceilings or to disinfection of cannabis product, the buds. Additionally, it is a good idea to change the bulbs once a year.

Do you want to try our high power UVC lights on your plants?

We can offer you a handheld UVC light model if you are willing to try our technology. The handheld model is  comfortable to use for application on one plant at the time. And, it will allow you to judge the effectiveness of this technology to treat white powdery mildew without spending more serious dollars on our JWD – PMC and/or JWD – PMV pushcarts.

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