We weld cracks in semi trailer and tractor trailer on Motor Vehicle Inspection Station and present repairs to inspector to clear your Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report. In this way we reduce your impoundment cost very significantly. These cracks appear on flatbed trailer, aluminum car trailer, tractor trailer or semi truck. Our welders weld cracks on aluminum and steel trailer frames and on semi truck frame in places specified by Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report. The service is available in close to the boarder with Ontario motor vehicle inspection stations located at
The deep cracks on flatbed trailer, aluminum car trailer and tractor trailer are the sign of the structural frame failure. These cracks appear due to vibration or excessive load. And therefore, your vehicle has failed Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report. As long as, we can reach these cracks, we will be able to weld them in order for you to continue your travel as quickly as you can. By the same token, we reduce cost of impoundment of your commercial vehicle. Aluminum weld on flatbed trailer on Motor Vehicle Inspection Station in Putnam Ontario. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, 2017
Furthermore, we understand that leaving for an extended time the tractor trailer, semi-truck with a flatbed trailer or aluminum car trailer on the motor vehicle inspection station is not an option. The impoundment costs are growing quickly. From other side, it simply costs too much money even considering sending the towing truck.
As much as we want to weld repair these defects as quickly as we can, we still have to follow good welding practices specified for each metal. Our repairs must be solid and strong for an inspector to approve them.
We must be able to locate the cracks on structural elements of your commercial vehicle. As simple as it sounds, finding the cracks on a large flatbed trailer, aluminum car trailer or tractor trailer is not as simple. We need instructions regarding locations of the cracks from your driver and/or from the inspector. Certainly, we will look for guidance in locating these defects in your Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report. However, we will also need help from your driver and inspector. Frame crack on flatbed trailer on Motor Vehicle Inspection Station in Putnam Ontario. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, 2018
Your driver should contact us first, sending the pictures of the cracks and their locations. Please, point your finger to the crack and then take a picture of each crack. In this way, we can judge approximately the size of the crack. We need also a short information where each crack is located on the frame as well as a confirmation of frame’s material. Therefore we need to know if we are dealing with a steel frame or an aluminum frame. Moreover, we need to know the phone number of your driver in order to get from him, your head office phone number and email. This information is necessary for our payment, and delivery of your invoice along with a clear safety report.
Once on site of the Motor Vehicle Inspection Station, we will get your failed Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report and ask the inspector to show us where the cracks are located. It is very common for officers to be very busy serving multiple clients and they will be unavailable to help us locating these cracks. That is why, we need pictures provided by your driver to start our welding repair process. Grooved crack in the aluminum trailer on Motor Vehicle Inspection Station in Putnam Ontario. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, 2017
When the inspector will approach us, we will explain to him or her where we found the cracks and we will together compare the cracks found by us with the list of cracks contained in the failed vehicle inspection report.
We also share with the officer our comments regarding severity of cracks and they importance to the structural integrity of the flatbed trailer or semi-truck. Obviously, certain cracks are more important than others for maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. And the most important cracks must be repaired differently than less important cracks. Most inspectors are aware of different methods of crack repairs and therefore we quickly reach agreement in terms of cracks importance and how to fix them.
Many cracks look very serious and severe but if they appear on welds or joints between frame and auxiliary equipment their importance is degraded in comparison of cracks located on the frame therefore the method to fix these cracks is completely different.
We repair cracks on structural elements by
Then we must decide if the “fish plate” is necessary. In most cases, that involve steel frames we will weld a “fish plate” for better results. In terms of aluminum frames and structural elements of an aluminum car trailer, we will probably resort to wide overlapping capping at the thickness of the structural element. Based on our experience, the softer metal such as aluminum reacts better to large capping than to “fish plate”. We have seen some cracks on aluminum frames growing through “fish plate” but we have not seen thick capping cracked yet.
We take multiple pictures of every weld we have done on your semi-truck or flatbed trailer and we show them to the officer. Then, we participate in the officer’s final vehicle safety inspection. During the final vehicle safety inspection, we are ready to explain, if necessary, how we have eliminated the risk of structural vehicle failure. Fish plate welded to the frame of a trailer on Motor Vehicle Inspection Station in Putnam Ontario. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, 2019
You will be notified by us about a clear Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report at once. And we will email you or text you following:
We believe that we will reduce very significantly your financial expenses related to extended parking at Motor Vehicle Inspection Station. Simply put, having us on your site when your vehicle fails vehicle safety inspection on motor vehicle inspection station make sense. We will deal with crack repair and proper documentation, so your driver can be on his way ASAP.