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Welding commercial kitchen, restaurant, equipment

Collage of welding repairs for restaurant and commercial kitchen equipment. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair. London, Ontario, 2019

We weld cracks in restaurant equipment and commercial kitchen equipment such as: food steamer, deep fryer, flat top grill, commercial sink, and stainless-steel table.

Our welders perform simple welding on stainless steel restaurant equipment in your commercial kitchen. Our portable stainless steel welders are able to weld very long cracks as well as short crucks in variety of restaurant equipment using GMAW or GTAW welding machines.

For instance, he can weld cracks in stainless steel sink sealing them completely. And also put very small, strong welds stainless steel tables on-site in your commercial kitchen. Moreover, we can also weld repair spots on flat top grill on site right in the kitchen.  However, we tend take more complicated welding repairs of stainless steel shelving or leaky food steamer to our shop. These more complicated welds usually require

  1. extensive cleaning prior welding,
  2. testing prior welding,
  3. testing after welding and,
  4. addition of modified parts,

therefore we tend to take them to our shop.

GMAW stainless steel welding cracks in a food steamer. JW Portable Welding & Repair. London, Ontario, 2019 GMAW stainless steel welding cracks in a food steamer. JW Portable Welding & Repair. London, Ontario, 2019

As a preferred stainless steel welder for a few fast food chains, we provide stainless steel welding of

  1. cracks causing leaks,
  2. stainless steel modifications,
  3. grill and griddle weld repairs, flat top grill repair
  4. brackets welding in stainless steel fridges and stoves,
  5. custom stainless steel hanger fabrication, and
  6. custom stainless steel burner fabrication.

Cracks in commercial kitchen or restaurant equipment

Old commercial kitchen or restaurant equipment made from thin stainless-steel sustains cracks due to, thermal expansion and contraction affecting low grade, thin material. Additionally, the poor quality or lack of stainless-steel welds in proper locations also contribute to crack development. And, years of standard equipment abuse by busy kitchen crew adds on top of it.

In fact, minor cracks can make restaurant equipment such as food steamer, commercial sink and stainless-steel table completely unusable due to leaks or instability. These cracks cause water leaks from food steamer and commercial  stainless steel sink. For instance, the 3 compartment sink passes dish washing liquid between compartments that makes cleaning dishes impossible. And the unstable stainless steel table with detached legs becomes a safety hazard. All of these troubles are made by simple cracks.

Asian manufacturers have produced our restaurant equipment or commercial kitchen equipment from thin stainless steel sheets for years. Although, they have provided this equipment at reasonable prices, their thin stainless steel is prone to cracks. Additionally, most of this equipment is poorly welded by robots that place defective or insufficient welds. So, this is a trade of between the reasonable price and the short utilization time.

Cracks in food steamer and other restaurant equipment

The food steamer develops cracks at the bottom of the equipment in close proximity to the heating element. These cracks develop due to thermal expansion and contraction. Moreover, the continues accumulation of sediments in weak area triggers expansion of weak joints. These cracks cause significant leaks of hot water and make the food steamer useless.

Cracks in commercial stainless-steel sink

Cracks in commercial stainless-steel sinks are well known in restaurant business. These crack cause leaks of water outside of sink and movement of dishwasher liquid through sink’s compartments. The cracks that cause leaks outside the stainless-steel sink are caused by the manufacturer’s attempt to bend the stainless steel with no radius or extremely low radius. Surely, such sinks are looking fancy but are not practical.

Welded crack in the commercial sink using GMAW welding machine. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair. London, Ontario, 2018 Welded crack in the commercial sink using GMAW welding machine. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair. London, Ontario, 2018

The lack of feeding stainless steel wire for welding robot causes sink compartment’s partitions not being welded properly at the bottom. Once your employee puts heavy items to the 3-compartment sink causing the bottom of the sink to bend down a little. Then the gap between sink bottom and its partition opens. Through this opening the dishwasher liquid and water mixture spreads to all sink’s compartments making rinsing impossible.

Cracks in stainless steel table

Cracks in stainless steel table make it unstable or even dangerous creating safety hazard. The weakest spot of the table is in the joint between the bottom shelf and the table legs. Storing heavy materials on the bottom shelf causes cracks on the shelf. Alternatively, stainless steel or plastic brackets that attach the bottom shelf to the legs can crack. Once the brackets are completely broken, then the leg becomes detached and the table becomes unstable. We can quickly correct this problem by weld repair. And, if necessary, we can also modify the table for additional containers.

Holes in flat top grill and stove grill and other restaurant equipment

Many older flat top grills  and stove grills have holes that range from 10mm to 12mm in diameter. Most of these holes are about 2-3 mm deep and they accumulate meat and oil over many months and years. The workers scrape the flat top grill with their tools to remove food particles from its surface. Unfortunately, they are not able to scrape the food from these holes. Consequently, these holes accumulate plenty of dirt which makes making burgers less hygienic.

SMAW welding holes in flat top grill in commercial kitchen. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, Mississauga, Ontario, 2020 SMAW welding holes in flat top grill in commercial kitchen. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, Mississauga, Ontario, 2020

Occasionally, some of these holes become much deeper and they reveal temperature sensors hidden in flat top grill. With a temperature sensor exposed, making burgers on your flat top grill becomes difficult or almost impossible.

Fortunately, we are able to weld all these holes and reposition of a temperature sensor properly. In this way you can still use your flat top grill for many years to come.

Welding repairs to bakery equipment

Our involvement in welding repairs of bakery equipment focuses on three areas:

  1. repair of mechanism moving the product that has sustained damage close to bearing seats,
  2. provide new modified burners since nobody produces the old burners any more, and
  3. repair the cracks in the mixer’s pot.

The most common repairs on bakery equipment is welding cracks on mixer’s pot. However, fabrication of custom-made burners for the old equipment is most beneficial to our clients. Some owners resort to acquire custom-made stainless-steel burners fabricated by us to extend the utilization time of their old bakery equipment. And eliminate the need to buy a new bakery equipment.

Welded cracks in mixer's pot. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2014 Welded cracks in mixer’s pot. Made by JW Portable Welding & Repair, London, Ontario, 2014

The suppliers of bakery equipment do not manufacture stainless-steel gas burners for old bakery equipment. The lack of burners forces owners of old equipment to buy a new equipment for their bakery.

Welding brackets to restaurant equipment: commercial dishwasher, fridge and stove

We weld brackets to restaurant equipment such as commercial dishwasher, commercial fridge and stove in order to increase their resistance to vibration and load. We provide this common welding service on-site in your commercial kitchen. Many stainless-steel brackets in your commercial kitchen equipment become detached due to

  1. excessive weight,
  2. very poor quality original stainless-steel weld, and
  3. impact.

Such repairs are very common and require minimum preparation